About Us
The Billabong Roadhouse commenced trading in November 1962 with the aim of being of service to travellers on the Northwest Coastal Highway.
Back in 1962 the highway was merely a dirt track and the Billabong was an aptly named refreshing site to reach. The challenges of being remote still play a part today with the site generating its own power and water supply.
The Roadhouse keeps traditional practices as part of its modern operation. (knee high socks are now optional) It offers smiling friendly service, good advice and a safe clean environment for weary travellers.
On December 14th 2007, the Billabong was purchased by Jacques Tranquille, who set about making a change in the way roadhouses were perceived and run.
Sixteen years on and The Billabong has grown into one of the most respected stops on the West Coast.
Consistently providing quality fresh food, cleanliness and good old face to face customer service was paramount in bringing about these changes .
Diversity in the food and product range was also an important factor in changing the general roadhouse trend.
You are in for a genuine experience when you walk through the door and see the eclectic range of memorabilia, souvenirs, gifts and handy travel items. There really is something for everyone.
If you intend to stop in our FREE OVERNIGHT PARKING AREA or just need to freshen up, remember, we have free shower and toilet facilities 24 hours and come in and savor the delightful healthy meals and snacks.
What makes the Billabong Run
Compared to most businesses The Billabong is essentially off the grid.
We generate our own power and water on site for the use of our staff and customers.
These details will give you some idea of what it takes to do the basics
Power: 240v 3 phase
Run by 110 kw solar panel system
a Perkins 110kva diesel generator and
Two backup 110kva and a 150 kva generators on standby.
Run time: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Breakdown: to date 26 hours down out of 140160 hours.
20 hours break down, 6 hour maintenance
Consumption: 230 to 300 Litres of diesel a day
Bore: 320ft deep
Bore water: Brackish
Clean useable water: desalinated by reverse osmosis 24 hours a day at a rate of 300 lites an hour
and rated at 25 parts per million once it has gone through the process
The water is used for cooking and accommodation needs .
Telephone: hard line Telstra Mobile: Telstra and OptusType .